Climate change, what we can do

Climate change endangers the future well being of the earth and humanity.
We are using 1.5 to 2.5 times more of the finite resources of the earth than are available to meet what is deemed essential for life, while releasing enormous amounts of harmful greenhouse gases. As a result, the above-average temperatures and heating of the Arctic over the last three years, along with tundra fires, has led to even higher CO2 emissions – and this despite the Paris climate agreement of December 2015.
What we demand of politicians – not merely to speak but also act – applies to each one of us as well. The more clearly we can reflect upon our behaviour – from food to the kind of packaging industry we wish to support – the more will we be part of a movement that helps to regulate untrammelled capitalist exploitation – even when flying becomes a well-considered necessity once more. “Food not feed”, which means reducing meat consumption and largely avoiding poultry and pig meat, could be the first step towards improving animal well-being and ending the gross and undignified system of factory farming.
Life is complex and if we wish to serve life, we must learn to think in terms of relationships and networks. We can, for instance, develop regional initiatives by overhauling our local energy systems and creating a new common structure together. New storage technology and new ways of producing energy, as well as energy efficient mobility and transport systems, are available – often all it needs is interest and a civil society initiative.
ELIANT is particularly keen to support resilient agriculture which is the foundation for sustainable ecological development. For at its heart this is the healthy way for plants, animals and humans to live together. It is also possible to manage the soil (build fertility with organic materials) so that the humus content increases. And a higher humus content in the soil means more CO2 sequestration and healthier plant life.
You can help by buying the products from this kind of agriculture and the difference in price, as compared to conventional products, can be offset by taking more care of the food and knowing that you are having a significant impact on climate change.