How can Europe be of value to our children and grand children?
Dear Friends of ELIANT,
What future can we imagine for Europe? For the first time in the history of the European Union we are all invited to share our visions, wishes, expectations and hopes regarding Europe’s future on a dedicated website Conference on the Future of Europe. All who participate have the chance to be heard – as do all those who send in written suggestions.
There are clearly some key questions which affect all of us: Climate, environment, health, social justice, occupation/work, digital change, education, culture, youth opportunities, sport and much else. The EU Commission and Parliamentarians want to hear the views of citizens. ELIANT intends to engage with this process and is therefore sharing this news with all our friends.
How can you take part?
You can find out the conditions and how to share your vision of Europe in relation to the various subjects here.
Why is it important to participate?
Policy makers have recognised the need to know and take into account how citizens see the future of Europe. The conference provides an opportunity for this. The greater the participation, the clearer will it be to those responsible that there is a powerful groundswell of interest across Europe in having a say in developments.
What is ELIANT’s contribution?
ELIANT is currently preparing a statement that we are planning to post on the conference website in September. We will also publish it on our ELIANT Website on the themes of organic agriculture and nutrition, associative economic structures, integrated medicine, age-appropriate media education, therapeutic education and social therapy as well as climate change. These you are welcome to draw on for your own contributions.
About the conference
The details can be found here. Summary of the most important information:
Citizen panels: Four panels comprising 200 citizens and with at least one male and one female citizen per member state will be chosen randomly. Young people (16-25 years) will make up at least a third.
Meetings of the citizen panels: Each group will meet three times between September 2021 and January 2022 in different locations over three successive days.
We thank you in advance for engaging in the creation of an open, sustainable and vitally appealing Europe in accord the Goethe motto: “One alone does not help, but rather he who unites with others at the right time.”
With warm greetings from the ELIANT team
Michaela Glöckler
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