Special appeal to support a key concern
Good thoughts and campaigns need spreading far and wide
Dear Friends of ELIANT,
“One alone does not help, but rather he who unites with others at the right time”. With this motto from Goethe’s Fairytale the alliance has dedicated itself since its foundation to maintaining the availability of important choices in Europe and raising awareness for campaigns and initiatives whose core purpose is to uphold the right to individual development and expression, recognise human dignity and retain ecological diversity and health. In order to ensure that our work can continue we appeal to you for a special donation to help us spread our message more widely.
Our ELIANT newsletter is currently reaching nearly 300,000 motivated fellow citizens. In doing so people across all continents are being made aware of how each one of us can contribute towards improving all our lives – especially in the fields of organic agriculture, holistic medicine and education and social care. The information and campaigns linked with the newsletters – that are also sent to members of the European Parliament – help to ensure that basic and fundamental human rights are not curtailed behind the backs of citizens thereby causing the loss of vital choices.
In view of on-going ecological crises, the dire situation in education and training and increasing poverty across the world, it is remarkable how little awareness there is of the possibilities that each of us have for bringing about change. That is what we want to change! For with every newsletter received the number of friends and supporters grows and with it our civil society strength and political weight.
This is why ELIANT started an address campaign last year. It brought us more that 50,000 new subscribers. The costs involved amounted to 39,900 Euros. This expenditure has however exhausted the funds saved for this purpose. But because of its success we are keen to continue with the campaign in the hope of achieving an exponential growth in interest. We are specially pleased that many new subscribers to our newsletters come from South America where social and ecological problems are in many places even more severe than in Europe.
We are particularly concerned to reach the younger generation with our campaign, which is why we are making full use of social networks.
We warmly thank you for considering a special donation to enhance the reach of our message.
Hoping for success with your help we send warm summer greetings from the ELIANT team
Michaela Glöckler
Your special donation is very welcome.