What we have achieved with your help and our thanks
Contributions to a culture of peace
Dear Friends of ELIANT,
With this May newsletter, we would like to send a big thank you for your moral and financial support. In connection with this, we would like to tell you about the positive results that this has made possible:
Maintaining the choice of homeopathy and anthroposophic medicinal products
In cooperation with our alliance member Gesundheit aktiv and the network weils hilft, we managed to get the German health minister Karl Lauterbach to withdraw his draft law – in which anthroposophic medicine and homoeopathy were to be removed from reimbursement by health insurers and from the pharmacy-only obligation – as it is presently framed. The wave of solidarity from civil society, which wanted to retain this choice, was too great. With 200,000 signatures in four weeks, this was one of the most successful petitions to the German parliament ever. Many ELIANT newsletter recipients contributed to this success with their signatures! However, the fight continues – we will keep you informed.
All African Anthroposophic Training (AAAT) 2023 and 2024
Thanks to your generous donations, the AAAT 2023 was able to take place in Zanzibar! We would like to thank you particularly warmly for this – also on behalf of the participants from over 14 African countries. Their feedback at the end was very impressive: the fact that it was possible to work together so harmoniously for a week across all national, cultural and language barriers! We are extremely happy that our appeal for donations was furthermore able to generate a plus of 7,698.69 euros, which will now be used for the AAAT in Botswana in August 2024 . We have already been able to provide travel grants for people interested from Ethiopia, Ghana, Liberia, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe, who applied for them when they registered. Nevertheless, this sum is not sufficient to cover the remaining deficit in the budget. Even though we were in the fortunate position to receive moderate grants from the foundations we applied to this year, we still need another 14,500 euros to be able to carry out the study week. So there is great hope in Botswana that ELIANT will be able to step in again. Every last cent of your donation will go to help the AAAT! For bank transfers, please add the reference AAAT.
ELIANT webinars
In our current world situation, there is also a growing conscious longing for peace and the question is being asked as to what in the longer term can contribute to becoming “capable of peace”. We have therefore started a series of webinars to engage in dialogue about development-oriented peace strategies: Michaela Glöckler interviewed Rolf Heine from the European nursing association ICANA on “Humanising medicine through resonance” and Dr med Stefan Schmidt-Troschke from the European patients’ association EFPAM on “Health as an instrument of peace”. You can find the two webinars here as well as on You Tube ELIANT. The next webinar will be with Alexander Schwedeler on the topic “How can we get along better with one another – a contribution to peace”. Schwedeler is a management consultant and member of the ELIANT foundation board. We cordially invite you to join us live on 5 June 2024, 14.00 CET on Facebook or YouTube. You can also ask questions.
Growing up healthy in the digital media world
Since 2017, ELIANT has repeatedly drawn attention to the serious consequences of too early digitalisation in kindergartens and schools as well as at home, launched a successful petition, and supported others. In the meantime, Denmark, Sweden, France, some pioneering states in the USA and other countries have also recognised the dangers and banned smartphones from everyday school life. However, to our surprise, the bestselling US author Jonathan Haidt, a professor of psychology, recommends in his book The Anxious Generation what we also think is best: that young people should only get smartphones from the age of 16 – the age at which the frontal lobe is capable of independent thought. This gives creativity and social skills the time they need to develop in the analogue world, supported by artistic and sporting activities and outdoor pursuits. We are continuing to investigate this topic and can recommend the recently completed film, which is now freely available online: The digital dilemma. It will soon be translated into other languages as well.
Warm regards on behalf of the ELIANT team
Yours Michaela Glöckler
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