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Alliance ELIANT
The European…
United Nations report on digital media builds on ECSWE’s recommendations
In May of 2022, the United Nations’ Special Rapporteur Ms. Koumbou Boly Barry published a report on the Impact of the…
Life is based on rhythms and regulatory circuits
Dear Friends of ELIANT,
All sustainable agricultural systems are characterised by circular thinking. This was also the decisive principle on which…
For the right to screen free day care institutions kindergartens and primary schools
The digital dilemma
Thanks to digital developments, great opportunities are opening up for humanity. However,…
Large human, social, economic and political problems are threatening to destabilise Europe. The European motto «diversity in unity and unity in diversity» can only be realized if conditions that…
ELIANT Webinars 2024
This April the ELIANT alliance launched a series of live webinars on the theme "A Culture of Peace".
Folge 4 mit Martin von Mackensen:
Biodynamische Landwirtschaft als…
Contributions to a culture of peace
Dear Friends of ELIANT,
With this May newsletter, we would like to send a big thank you for your moral and financial support. In connection with this, we would…
To what extent is self-determination in health matters negotiable?
Dear Friends of ELIANT,
The way the coronavirus pandemic was managed – globally, nationally and regionally – was approved and…