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European Alliance of Initiatives
for Applied Anthroposophy

Integrative Medicine
Health for Body, Life, Soul and Spirit

Integrative Medicine – Health for Body, Life, Soul and Spirit

The current challenges in the health service demand a common approach by doctors, medicine manufacturers and patients throughout Europe and this is what ELIANT is calling for. More and more people are asking for the more gentle, process-orientated treatments of complementary and integrative medicine to be made available alongside mainstream approaches – their regulation within the EU, however, remains unsatisfactory.

Anthroposophic Medicine is an integrated approach which forges a link between the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures of mainstream medicine and the philosophical and spiritual understanding of anthroposophy. Anthroposophic hospitals are renowned for their excellent care and approach to patients – see The basic medicine for treating cancer made from mistletoe is particularly well known. Mistletoe therapy supports mainstream treatment - and this is scientifically demonstrated – by improving the quality of life and reducing the need for painkillers. Meeting the patient and their individual healing path – physically, psychologically and spiritually – lies at the core of the training and post graduate training of doctors and therapists.

Since it was founded in 1921, Anthroposophic Medicine has been continually evolving and today, it has a presence in more than 80 countries. The range of therapeutic possibilities available alongside mainstream practices include a wide range of natural medicines to stimulate the self-healing capacity of the organism. External treatments and specific massage are offered, as well as artistic therapy, therapeutic eurythmy, life counselling and biographic counselling.

Through its campaigning work, ELIANT seeks to secure the legal status of integrative medicine, and especially Anthroposophic Medicine.