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European Alliance of Initiatives
for Applied Anthroposophy
199 results:
1. ELIANT - Alliance of initiatives for applied anthroposophy in Europe  
Newsletter Our ELIANT Newsletter keeps you up to date - subcribe here ✓ free ✓ 1x per month ✓ cancelable at any time subscribe for free Newsletter archive Alliance ELIANT The European…  
2. News  
3. ECSWE advocates for healthy digital education  
United Nations report on digital media builds on ECSWE’s recommendations In May of 2022, the United Nations’ Special Rapporteur Ms. Koumbou Boly Barry published a report on the Impact of the…  
4. What we have achieved with your help and our thanks  
Contributions to a culture of peace Dear Friends of ELIANT, With this May newsletter, we would like to send a big thank you for your moral and financial support. In connection with this, we would…  
5. ELIANT Webinars 2024  
ELIANT Webinars 2024 This April the ELIANT alliance launched a series of live webinars on the theme "A Culture of Peace". Episode 3 with Alexander Schwedeler How to Get Along Better with Each…  
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7. In focus: the WHO Pandemic Agreement  
To what extent is self-determination in health matters negotiable? Dear Friends of ELIANT, The way the coronavirus pandemic was managed – globally, nationally and regionally – was approved and…  
8. The future lies with civil society  
Courage and wakefulness are called for Dear Friends of ELIANT, What again and again gives us the courage to engage for Europe through civil society is the recognition that the decisive…  
9. ELIANT_Newsletter_analog_sign_up_sheet_ENGLISCH.pdf  
Sign up for our free NEWSLETTER Our informative newsletter is free of charge and connects seven language regions worldwide - We are happy about every new subscriber who strengthens our civil society…  
10. ELIANT Team  
Dr. med. Michaela Glöckler Susanna Küffer Heer Alexander Schwedeler Lora Ivanova André Schmechel, M.A.  
Search results 1 until 10 of 199