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European Alliance of Initiatives
for Applied Anthroposophy

Foundation for Anthroposophic Medicine (FAM)

[Translate to English:] Förderstiftung Anthroposophische Medizin (FAM)

The Foundation for Anthroposophic Medicine (FAM) is a non-profit institution that supports the worldwide activities of anthroposophic medicine in collaboration with the Medical Section at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland. It also welcomes collaboration with other foundations and organizations. A major project in this regard was being responsible for and financially managing ELIANT's signature collecting campaign to support the work of applied anthroposophy in Europe. Anthroposophic medicine needs support for its further development. The aim of FAM is to support and sponsor projects in economically underdeveloped areas of the world – primarily by training doctors and therapists.

The objectives of the Foundation for Anthroposophic Medicine are to support:

  • Further development of the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures of anthroposophical medicine
  • International networks for collaboration and the exchange of experiences
  • Specialist conferences and ongoing education
  • Education and research
  • The study of anthroposophic medicine on an international level by making materials and documents available especially in English, Russian, Japanese, French and Spanish
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration between educators, agriculturists and specialists in the fields of politics and economics
  • The creation and maintenance of organizations and social structures that secure the legal right to practice a diversity of therapies and approaches, as well as recognising anthroposophic medicine as a valid contemporary approach to integrative medicine.
  • The recognition of anthroposophic medicine within the spectrum of complimentary medical procedures


Manager: Stefan Langhammer

CH-4143 Dornach 1, Postfach 49, Switzerland

Tel.: +41 (0) 61 7064476
Fax: +41 (0) 61 7018104
Email: info@fanthromed.LÖ

Board of directors:
Dr. med. Michaela Glöckler (President), Rolf Heine, Prof. Rüdiger Grimm