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European Alliance of Initiatives
for Applied Anthroposophy

International Biodynamic Association (IBDA)

[Translate to English:] International Biodynamic Association (IBDA)

The International Biodynamic Association (IBDA) is the worldwide federation of national biodynamic associations. The IBDA represents and serves the biodynamic impulse by working closely with the Section for Agriculture at the Goetheanum on the one hand, and with Demeter International on the other. IBDA holds the ownership rights of the biodynamic and Demeter trademarks. The trademarks are thus collectively owned by the whole biodynamic movement while being at the same time administered by a single organisation. A contract for using the trademarks has been agreed with Demeter International.

A further task of the IBDA is to support activities that help to strengthen the biodynamic impulse on an international level by supporting the development of its member organisations, arranging events and projects and by fostering alliances and partnerships.

The IBDA has the legal structure of a charity giving it tax-free status under Swiss law. There are currently 24 member organisations and the board is made up of five people. The IBDA sees itself as providing a service that is closely connected in terms of content and staff to the Section for Agriculture at the Goetheanum.


Hügelweg 59
4143 Dornach
Tel.: ++41 61 7064212
E-Mail: office@ibda.LÖ