Freedom of choice in medicine is only possible if that medicine is available on the market and the possibility for making a choice is guaranteed. Up until now however no suitable legal basis for this has existed!
Dear Friends of the ELIANT Alliance,
Today, every fourth citizen of the EU makes use of complementary and/or anthroposophic medicine as an alternative or supplement to conventional medicine. In the EU however, these forms of medicine are not sufficiently acknowledged in either the EU’s health most member states policies or its legislation, nor indeed in the laws of most member states.
Please help us establish a legal footing for complementary and anthroposophic healthcare!
Get active in the European elections. Contact the EU candidates in your electoral district and share with them the EUROCAM Manifesto, which expresses our objectives. Together we can ensure that future members of the European Parliament are committed to addressing the concerns of complementary medicine in the EU!
Complementary and anthroposophic medicine is effective, appropriate and represents value for money
Anyone who has personally experienced these forms of medicine knows how indispensible they are. Their continued existence however can only be secured if their availability is enshrined by law throughout the EU. The European Parliament representing the citizens of Europe, is responsible for doing this.
That’s why we are asking you to contact the candidates standing for election to the European Parliament in late May, to share our Manifesto with them and urge them actively to support it in Brussels.
Complementary medicine has an extremely valuable contribution to make to the European healthcare system:
- In the treatment of chronic illness, disease prevention, healthy ageing and in maintaining the quality of life both at home and at work
- In lowering the cost of healthcare and making it more cost effective
- by drastically reducing anti-microbial resistance and rendering an invaluable service to the providers of European healthcare
ELIANT is joining other partners in Brussels to promote complementary and anthroposophic medicine.
The IVAA (International Federation of Anthroposophic Medical Associations) is a founding member of ELIANT, representing 31 national associations, 16 of them in EU member states. IVAA is also a member of EUROCAM, the European umbrella organisation for complementary medicine, which enables doctors, therapists, alternative practitioners and patients throughout the EU to assert their political and legal interests in Brussels.
But we cannot reach our goal without a broad network of active support!
Many citizens and elected representatives are not aware that complementary and anthroposophic medicine still lack an appropriate legal foundation.
That is why as a matter of urgency we are asking you to distribute this letter as widely as you can. The more emails European Parliamentary candidates receive from their affected citizens, the clearer will our concerns be to them and thus the greater our chances of success.
To support our goal please also use Facebook
Thank you for your support.
With our best regards
On behalf of the ELIANT team
Dr. med. Michaela Glöckler und Susanna Küffer Heer