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European Alliance of Initiatives
for Applied Anthroposophy

Our Freedom of Choice is in Danger! A Citizens’ Movement for "A Human Education"

Petition to education officials in the EU and their Member States.

Dear Friends of ELIANT,

Many of you signed a petition last year saying no to digital day care centers and yes to positive educational innovations. This year the over 68000 signatures will be handed to the new Minister of Research and Education, Anja Karliczek.

But, that petition alone is not enough. Europe needs a citizen's movement for a human education! The digital transformation of society is being advanced at a rapid pace by business and political interests. While older adolescents and adults see technology as a challenge which they need to take on, for early childhood and elementary school children it constitutes a risk to their healthy development. Therefore, the "Alliance for Human Education" ( and ELIANT ( have joined forces to make possible a vitally important choice: that teachers and parents must be able to decide for themselves up to which age children should be educated in a screen-free environment. Educators must be left free to choose for themselves with which media they work and teach, and if and when they use digital media as a teaching tool. To make this possible we must have the right to screen-free day-care centers and elementary schools.

We are committed to this goal through our petition across all of Europe, directed to those responsible for education in the EU and its Member States. Please support us with your signature!

This takes you to the petition. Thank you very much!

With best wishes for a happy Easter, kind regards - also from the "Alliance for Human Education",
Michaela Glöckler