Freedom of choice is in danger – our campaign for ecological diversity
Dear Friends of ELIANT,
Last year the EU Commission launched a consultation asking the public whether they would agree to the new gene editing techniques such as CRISPR/Cas being excluded from the current GMO regulations. A great many respondents were opposed to this plan. Unperturbed by this, American and European chemical and seed producing corporations continue to push the EU Commission NOT to label products from the new gene editing techniques as genetically modified. The patents for the relevant seeds belong to these corporations.
ELIANT has been campaigning for many years to retain the available choices for the future – after all what is the good of having guaranteed freedom of choice if the available choices are disappearing?
In this newsletter we are therefore inviting you to sign this petition and distribute it as widely as possible among your contacts. This petition was started by our ELIANT member, the Biodynamic Federation Demeter International.
Our demands are:
We urge European decision makers to oppose all attempts to exclude new gene editing techniques from the existing EU regulations on GMOs and maintain the mandatory safety controls, transparency and labelling of all GM products to ensure that our food is safe and to protect nature, the environment and our freedom to choose.
We note with great concern that in many countries the available choices are fast disappearing, the vital interests of citizens are not being respected, a systemic way of thinking is obliterating diversity and uniformity is being imposed.
The trust and hope we place in civil society therefore becomes even more relevant. Citizen initiatives and petitions, conscious consumer behaviour and being awake to current events can be a daily contribution towards making the world a better place and serving the Easter message of peace.
Greetings and warm thanks for your support on behalf the ELIANT team
Michaela Glöckler
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