Every signature helps to show the EU that these new GM techniques must be labelled.
Dear Friends of ELIANT,
During the last few years seed companies like Bayer/Monsanto and Corteva have developed amongst others the new GM techniques known as CRISPR Cas9, TALENs, etc. They are keen that these do not come under the existing GM regulations of the EU.
The new gene editing technology
The risks and dangers of these new technologies are the same as those of the previous ones yet they are presented as being safer and more precise. Many of the laboratory procedures used are identical and lead to unforeseen and unintended changes to the genome. Furthermore we have no idea of the long term consequences of editing genes – nor can the long-term consequences for human health and the ecosystem be foreseen.
Appeal to the Commission
The European Commission has launched a public consultation that runs until 22nd October 2021. The more signatures there are in this appeal to the commission opposing any watering down of the current GM regulation, the greater is our chance of success.This is the link to the signature, please note that non-EU citizens should select 'other' in the country list.
Together with many NGOs we are calling on the Commission to include these GM procedures within the EU's GM regulation. Only in this way can human health and the environment be protected and the EU's precautionary principle respected.
Consequences for organic agriculture
The existing EU labelling and tracing system guarantees the production of GM free food and is therefore vital for organic and biodynamic agriculture and for all citizens. Any change to the current regulation would mean that GM seed would no longer be labelled and could therefore enter organic agriculture. The existence of GM free organic agriculture would then no longer be possible.
Thank you warmly for your help in preventing this from happening!
With best wishes
Michaela Glöckler
At a time when ever more initiatives are needed your donations are warmly appreciated!