Medicine is facing huge challenges throughout the world especially in relation to chronic conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and the increase in allergies. Lasting and successful solutions can only be achieved through inter-professional dialogue and an integrated approach to medicine. Anthroposophical medicine with its focus on the whole person and its wide range of connected therapies also has a lot to contribute and is one of the many systems of integrated medicine that are being widely discussed today.
Despite the popularity of treatments offered by the integrative medicine approach it remains largely unrecognised by those responsible for health in the various nations. The Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine (AIHM) in America and the Dachverband Anthroposophische Medizin in Germany (DAMiD)worked with other partners to initiate and organise an International Congress for Integrative Medicine and Health in Stuttgart in June 2016. More than 600 participants from 46 countries and from all continents came together to exchange and learn from one another.
ELIANT played a significant role in making it a truly international and successful congress.
We would like to warmly invite all our friends and supporters to join with us in SIGNING the statement released at the end of the conference which calls for the WHO and Governments throughout the world to help integrative medicine make a real break-through.
We would also like to warmly encourage you to continue supporting ELIANT. We need to redouble our efforts to encourage diversity and mutual understanding especially now when Europe is so deeply traumatised by Brexit. With your help it can be done.
With heartfelt thanks and warm greetings
Michaela Glöckler